The History And Lore Of Birthstone Rings

Since ancient times, rings have been recognized as a symbol of relationship, or a bond between the giver and the wearer of the ring. Birth stone rings evolved from this tradition

Legendary powers have been attributed to many birthstones and birthstone rings were worn to bring good fortune to their owner.

Birthstone rings have a rich history in many cultures.

Garnet (birthstone of January): Garnet comes from the Greek word “granatum” meaning “pomegranate seed”. Ancient Hebrew legend states that garnet was one of the twelve gems in the breastplate of Aaron.

Amethyst (birthstone of February): Ancients believed amethyst would protect them from drunkenness. Bacchus, seeing this repented and cried tears of wine over the young Amethyst, staining her purple.

Aquamarine (birthstone of March): Aquamarine is said to bring love, increase intelligence, and restore youth.

Diamond (birthstone of April): The word diamond comes from the Greek “adamas”, meaning, “unconquerable”.

Emerald (birthstone of May): The Roman scholar Plinly loved emeralds because, in his words, “Nothing green is greener.”

Alexandrite (birthstone of June): Alexandrite was discovered in 1830 in Russia.

Ruby (birthstone of July): The ruby is said to bring wisdom, happiness, and health, and symbolizes success, devotion, and integrity.
Peridot (birthstone of August): Peridot is thought to ensure good luck, peace, and success. It is said that what Cleopatra thought were her “emeralds” were actually peridot.

Sapphire (birthstone of September): Ancient Persians believed that the earth rested on a giant sapphire and that the sapphire’s reflection colored the sky.

Pink Tourmaline (birthstone of October): The word Tourmaline comes from the Singhalese “tourmalli” which means “mixed colored stones”.

Imperial Topaz (birthstone of November): Topaz comes from the Sanskrit “tapas”, meaning “fire”.
Blue Zircon (birthstone of December): Zircon, known to the ancients as hyacinth, provided the wearer with wisdom, honor, and riches.
In a physical sense, birthstones concentrate energy and redirect it along a certain prismatic path. The ancients believed that wearing birthstone rings transferred the power of the gem from each finger to a different area of the body.


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